7 Feb 2023

Rigid Needle Shield: The New Standard for Prefilled Syringes

Rubber compound FM30 is a well know compound offered by all big syringe manufacturers these days. It is a low extractable compound with a high gas permeability and is suitable for producing both a needle shield and a tip cap which are sterilized by ethylene oxide. There is a clear trend to move from the traditional soft needle shield towards rigid needle shield due the advantages it offers like avoiding the risk of needle stick injuries. Also with the growth of auto-injectors, rigid needle shields are preferred over soft needle shields. Datwyler's portfolio only existed out of soft needle shields still 2020 but now the rigid needle shield is available both in 1/2" and 5/8". This offers the opportunity to customers, who are already using FM30 for their needle shields, to easily transfer from a soft to a rigid design. In order to support customers with data to facilitate the choice of a needle shield, studies were conducted which show the excellent functional performance of this new product in the prefilled syringe portfolio of Datwyler. The results of these studies will be shared during this session.

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