10 Feb 2020

EAS - Services Offered to the Pharmaceutical Industry

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EAS provides a variety of FDA based regulatory services to the global Rx and OTC pharmaceutical industry.We offer a seamless approach to help your organization navigate the regulatory intricacies associated with product development, submissions, claims and labeling,manufacturing and packaging of commercial products,as well as facility and product registrations and listings. Our team of pharmaceutical regulatory experts are ready to provide assistance in; the development of filing and quality strategies, GMP/GLP/GCP assessments, Mock-FDA Inspections and reviews, quality management system development, regulatory submissions, product labeling and claims compliance, and a number of other topics  that will help your organization succeed in this highly complex and very competitive regulatory environment. EAS is committed to helping the members of domestic and international pharmaceutical market understand,meet and sustain compliance with the FDA’s numerous requirements in a manner t

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EAS Consulting Group

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