Microbiomes / Probiotics

Microbiomes / Probiotics Companies (3)

Microbiomes / Probiotics News

Microbiomes / Probiotics Products (15)

  • Product Biomarkers based on microbiota

    Through our research on the composition of the human microbiota in different diseases (such as multiple sclerosis and oral cancer) we have developed some microbiome-based diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers.
  • Product Crispact®

    Crispact® is a food supplement in stick packs containing the probiotic strain Lactobacillus crispatus M247.

    Each stick pack contains at least 20 billion CFUs(colony forming units) of Lactobacillus crispatusM247, useful for the balance of bacterial flora.

  • Product Brevicillin®

    Brevicillin® is a food supplement in sticks containing the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium breve PRL2020.

    Each stick contains at least 15 billion CFU (colony forming units) of Bifidobacterium breve PRL2020, useful for the balance of gut bacterial flora in case of antibiotic therapy.

  • Product NRGBiotic

    The Product - NRGBIOTIC™


    The successful research undertaken provided for a first-in-class probiotic for the treatment of major depressive disorder, and subsequent patents in global territories, see here.

    The formulation was entered into ...

    "BellaVie STRESS" is a broad-spectrum, high CFU dietary supplement containing 10 microbiotic strains, fiber and nutraceuticals, each selected for their health benefits.

    The formula was developed with essential gut bacteria and yeast to promote a more favorable balance of the gut microbio...

    BellaVie IMMUNO is a broad-spectrum dietary supplement containing 8 live microbiotic strains, fibre and nutraceuticals each selected for their proven health benefits.

    The formula has been developed with essential gut bacteria and yeast to promote a more favourable balance of the gut micr...

    "BellaVie CHILDREN" is a broad-spectrum, high CFU dietary supplement containing 8 microbiotic strains, fiber and nutraceuticals, each selected for their health benefits.

    The formula was developed with essential gut bacteria and yeast to promote a more favorable balance of the gut microbiot...
  • Product Bactimun

    As the global worry around immunity increases, and as 70% of the immune system resides in our gastrointestinal tract, with our microflora on the first line of defense, Bactimun is the brand new development you need in your product range. 
    Bactimun is a product based on an innovative strain: Lac...
  • Product Bio-Kult 60 Capsules

    Bio-Kult is a scientifically developed, advanced multi-strain formulation containing 14 live probiotic cultures proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach, and to complement the existing gut flora naturally present in a healthy person’s digestive system. Bio-Kult does not need to be refrigerated and...
  • Product Bio-Kult Boosted

    Bio-Kult Boosted is a unique multi-strain probiotic formulation targeting the digestive and immune systems. With the same great 14 strains of probiotics found in Bio-Kult Advanced, proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach, but at 4 times the concentration. In addition, Bio-Kult Boosted also con...
  • Product Bio-Kult Brighten

    Bio-Kult Brighten is an advanced multi-action formulation designed to bring out your Inner Smile. Bio-Kult Brighten contains the same 14 strains as the original Bio-Kult product. with added vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 which contribute to normal psychological function as well as the ...
  • Product Kijimea® K53

    Kijimea® K53 is a dietary supplement containing 53 selected microculture strains found in the natural intestinal flora of humans. One pack of Kijimea K53 contains 1 trillion microcultures. In addition, Kijimea® K53 contains vitamin B12, which helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness and to promote normal...
  • Product Kijimea® IBS PRO

    Kijimea® IBS PRO is the development of the medical device Kijimea® IBS. With the patch effect of the heat-inactivated bifidobacterial strain B. bifidum HI-MIMBb75, Kijimea® IBS PRO combats all intestinal complaints of IBS such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain, flatulence, or constipation even more effectiv...

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