
About TraceLink

TraceLink is the World’s Largest Track and Trace Network for connecting the Life Sciences supply chain and providing real-time information sharing for better patient outcomes. A single point and click connection to the Life Sciences Cloud creates a supply chain control tower that delivers the insight and collaboration needed to improve performance and reduce risk across global supply, manufac...

  • US
  • 2016
    On CPHI since
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Products from TraceLink (3)

  • Compliance And Digital Information Platform For Pharmacies

    Product Compliance And Digital Information Platform For Pharmacies

    TraceLink Europe Ltd offers wide range of services which includes compliance and digital information platform for pharmacies. It verify serial number against national system, notify national system that pack has been dispensed. National system performs verification of serial number, and once verification i...
  • Master Data Management

    Product Master Data Management

    TraceLink Europe Ltd offers wide range of services which includes master data management. It provides an application that enables companies to consolidate master data into a single area from which they can pull it, helping to automate an enrich processes down the line. It manages the onetime setup, releivi...
  • Redefining Gxp Processed With Automated Validation Manager Service

    Product Redefining Gxp Processed With Automated Validation Manager Service

    TraceLink Europe Ltd offers wide range of services which includes redefining gxp processed with automated validation manager service. it benefits from a functional risk assessment, validation plan, a user requirement specification documents, installation qualification(qa) and operational qualification(oq) ...

TraceLink Resources (5)