Antidiarrheals, Intestinal Antiinflammatory

Antidiarrheals, Intestinal Antiinflammatory Companies (5)

Antidiarrheals, Intestinal Antiinflammatory Products (5)

  • Product Tramadol 37.5 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg

    Fixed-combination of two well-known and established analgesics, devoid of the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and renal adverse events associated with Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) responsible for 3.500-16.500 death per year in the USA1, 2.n Fixed-dose combination treatment redu...
  • Product Salopyrine - Sulfasalazine 500mg tablets

    Inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis.
  • Product Loperamide

  • Product Loperamide 2mg and Simethicone 125mg tablet

    The tablets are used to treat a short-lived attack of diarrhoea when it occurs with stomach cramps, bloating and wind. The tablets contain two active ingredients: • Loperamide hydrochloride, which helps reduce diarrhoea by slowing down an overactive bowel. It also helps the body to absorb more water and ...
  • Product ColonLife

    ColonLife is a food supplement based on an innovative formula on the purpose of sequential therapy for bowel inflammation syndromes and disorders. The product is composed by two different blisters: blue blister is composed of butyric acid and grapefruit seed extracts, the red blister is composed of 2 billi...

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