Nervous System

Nervous System Companies (11)

Nervous System News

Nervous System Products (19)

  • Product Deplesin® 80:1

    Dietary supplement to manage sideeffects associated with pharmacologicaltreatment for Bipolar Disorder. • Pharmaceutical form: Sachets

    • Clinical trials: +10 studies demonstrate the effectiveness of main components in the management of side effects associated with Bipo...
  • Product GUAGO (guanfacine hydrochloride) 1MG & 2MG & 3MG & 4MG EXTENDED RELEASE TABLET

    GUAGO is indicated for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents aged 6-17 years who have not responded to, cannot tolerate, or for whom stimulant medications are inapp...
  • Product Zolpidem 5 & 10 mg Orodispersible tablet

    Zolpidem is particularly suitable for insomniac patient suffering with difficulties with sleep initiation
  • Product Gabafine - Pregabalin capsules

    Gabafine Capsule contains Pregabalin, works by reducing abnormal electrical brain activity, effectively preventing seizures in epilepsy treatment. Furthermore, it is utilized to address nerve and muscle pain by obstructing pain signals. Available Dosage Forms - Pregabalin 75 mg & 150 mg capsules.
  • Product DECLINEX®

    Declinex® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the mind.
    Declinex® is indicated for the patient with physiological decline or pathological decline. The major clinical symptoms are loss of memory, attention, language and the ability to process concepts, and behavioural and emotion...
  • Product Sedistress® 200

    Registered herbal medecine in Europe
    Sedistress® 200 is clinically proven with studies in > 3000 patients 
  • Product Central Nervous System (Anti-depressants, Anti-neuropathic pain agents, Anti-parkinson, Sedative)

    Amitriptyline Tablets, Fluoxetine Capsules, Sertraline Tablet, Pregabalin Capsule, Gabapentin Capsules, Levodopa & Carbidopa Tablet, Melatonin Capsules
  • Product Stedon diazepam ampoules

    manufactured in our sterile Eu-GMP area
  • Product Neuro-Vit®


    Each film-coated tablet contains:

    100 mg thiamin hydrochloride (B1)
    200 mg Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6)
    0.2 mg Cyanocobalamin (B12)
  • Product Neuro SR Micro-Pellets

    NEURO SR is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to optimize brain health; brain health indicates the state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioral, and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course, irrespective of ...
  • Product Brivaracetam Oral Solution 10mg/ml (EU CTD Available: Q4 2022)

    Brivaracetam 10mg/ml Oral Solution
    Reference Product: Briviact® / UCB
    Description: Brivaracetam is an antiepileptic agent which is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onsetseizures with or without secondary generalization in adults, adolescents and children from 4 year...
  • Product Sugammadex Injection

    Reversal of Anaesthesia

  • Product Etifoxine 50 mg Capsules

    Anxiolytic effect equivalent to lorazepam, a higher responder rate, and a lower rate of rebound anxiety at treatment discontinuation (one week) in patients receiving etifoxine5.
  • Product Donepezil 5 & 10 mg OroDispersible Tablet

    Lesser behaviour deterioration vs. Galantamine14.n Superior Global Responder Rate vs. Galantamine14.n Lower risk of treatment withdrawals for any reason or because of an adverse event for Donepezil vs. Rivastigmine or Galantamine14
  • Product XINEPA®

    Xinepa® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the peripheral nervous system.

    Xinepa® is indicated for the patient with peripheral neuropathy.

    The major clinical symptoms are numbness, burning and pain, feeling of electric shock and muscle weakness.

  • Product KYMAX®

    Kymax® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the normal function of nervous system.
    Kymax® is formulated for subjects with  neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's.
    Kymax® could improve quality of sleep, mood, impaired cognition and constipation, fatigue and pain caused...
  • Product XINEPA easy®

    Xinepa easy® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the peripheral nervous system.

    Xinepa easy® is indicated for the patient with peripheral neuropathy.

    The major clinical symptoms are numbness, burning and pain, feeling of electric shock and muscle weakness.
  • Product Brivaracetam Sol. Inf 10mg/ml (5ml Vial) (EU CTD Available: Q3 2022)

    Brivaracetam 10mg/ml (5ml Vial) Solution for Injection/Infusion
    Reference Product: Briviact® / UCB
    Description: Brivaracetam is an antiepileptic agent which is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onsetseizures with or without secondary generalization in adults, adolescents and...
  • Product Centax Mental Complex

    Important nutrients for memory and concentration 

    Centax Mental Complex has been formulated based on scientific evidence to provide key ingredients beneficial for healthy brain function in a convenient dose Centax Mental Complex combines the plant extracts ginseng and ginkgo with valuable ...

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