Recruitment/human Resources

Recruitment/human Resources Companies (6)

Recruitment/human Resources News

Recruitment/human Resources Products (4)

  • Product Hi-End Resource On Demand Solutions

    Project resource management includes forecasting the need to hire and/or outsource some tasks. When projects are high-value and require strategic decisions, in-house resources may be insufficient. Similarly, administrative action items are better left to contract workers so as to not overburden your staff....
  • Product Inspection Readiness & Support

    • Inspection Event Planning • Personnel Training and Interview Preparation • Subject Matter Expert Support • Post-Inspection Analysis
  • Product Quality Operations Support

    • Management Review • Validation and Qualification • Risk Management • Laboratory Controls • Batch Review • Quality Engineering • Exceptions • Post Market Surveillance
  • Product Health Authority Enforcement Response & Remediation

    • FDA/EMA/Health Authority Agency Intelligence • Rapid Response to Inspections • Remediation Support • On-Site Remediation Project Management • Coordination with Regulatory Counsel • Third-Party Support

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