Cough and Cold Preparations

Cough and Cold Preparations Companies (4)

Cough and Cold Preparations Products (17)

  • Product Bena Expectorant (90ml & 120ml)

    -Relief of chest congestion and coughs with thick phlegm -Clears nasal passages, liquefies and loosens stubborn phlegm and soothes tiresome coughing
  • Product OTC and MD dossiers

    A list of regulatory OTC dossiers compliant with European regulations and in CTD structure (NEES-eCTD) is available. These dossiers are ready to be audited by clients and to be submitted for registration to Health Authorities. We provide support during the registration process until the dossiers are author...
  • Product Nutridef Tuss

    Treatment of dry and productive coughand cold symptoms.Range of application• in case of dry and irritating cough• in case of productive cough• in case of cold symptoms that affect the upper respiratory system• in case of vellichio• for adults and children over 3 years of age.One of the richest products on ...
  • Product Bronchotussine bromhexine cough Syrup OTC

    It is used as a mucolytic for the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with productive cough (i.e. a cough characterised by the production of sputum). It has a role as a mucolytic.
  • Product Verbascon line

    Verbascon is innovative product line developed to effectively compat cold and flu. The complementary range of products is based on natural ingredients including extracts from common mullein and African geranium which have proven antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant and antioxidant e...
  • Product Vitamins & OTC products- USA made

    LODAAT produces the best quality USA made Vitamins, Herbal supplements, Minerals and OTC products.  Our finished formulations are available in Tablets and Capsules.  We have 3 US facilities producing Private Label and Branded goods in Bottles and Blister packaging.  Best selling products inc...
  • Product Ambroxol oral Spray

    Ambrospray®  is the innovative and unique product, it's the only oral spray form of Ambroxol in the world. It is convenient to carry and use, it has accurate drug delivery and take effect very fast, It has a wide target group and usage scenes. It is produced in EU with the best quality. We are looking...
  • Product medEctoin Lozenges

    Medical device for treatment and prevention of common cold symtoms, dry mouth and throat, and hoarseness. • Reduces symptoms of acute Pharyngitis, such as hoarseness, sore throat, and pain on swallowing • Reduces inflammations and stabilizes the mucous membranes in mouth and throat  • Soothes irrit...
  • Product Ambroxol

    UAB Eletis Medica offers wide range of medical products, which includes Ambroxol. Ambroxol belongs to respiratory system group, mucolytics.

    For more information please visit or contact us [email protected].
  • Product Mucoprom® syrup

    Xepa SP manufactures wide range of pharmaceutical products which includes mucoprom@syrup. It belongs to cough and cold products category. Features: liquefy and loosen stubborn phlegm in the respiratory tract, useful in chest problems such as bronchitis, asthma and cystic fibrosis, alcohol-free and sugar-fr...
  • Product Prenalen line

    Our line of products is specifically designed for pregnant women, those planning pregnancy and lactating. Unique compositions of natural ingredients were selected to be both effective and safe for you and your child. Our line of products allows safe assistance during periods of decreased immunity. Having i...
  • Product medEctoin Mouth & Throat Spray

    Medical device for treatment of dry and irritated epithelia in mouth & throat. • Reduces symptoms of acute Pharyngitis and/or Laryngitis, such as sore throat, hoarseness, cough, and pain on swallowing  • Reduces the duration of a sore throat/hoarseness • Relieves first symptoms such as hoarse...
  • Product Gorpils Medicated Lozenges

    Lozenges containing 2,4 dichlorobenzyl alcohol & amylmetacresol
  • Product Taviforte capsules

    Taviforte is an herbal medicinal product used to treat the symptoms of acute bronchitis and provide supportive treatment for sinusitis or cough associated with a cold in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older. Taviforte liquefies viscous and stuck mucus. The cilia of the airways become more mobil...
  • Product ENFACALM balm

    ENFACALM balm is a line of products for massage that can be used for children and adults.
    It has proven safety and efficacy. It is an emulsion of natural active hypoallergenic ingredients, tested Under dermatological control. Without paraben, nor essential oils, nor allergen.
    This line contains t...
  • Product ENFACALM syrups

    ENFACALM syrups line is a natural preparation based in plant extract with therapeutical indication.We use natural sugaring based on Agave Syrup.
    We ensure to use natural ingredients for a better acceptability.
  • Product AQUAMER sea water

    La gamme AQUAMER est un spray nasal pour bébé, enfant et adulte. Nous avons des formulaires adaptés en fonction de l'âge et des symptômes. Il est composé d'eau de mer diluée connue et contrôlée selon la concentration recherchée (Isotonique et Hypertonique). C'est une gamme de produits certifiée CE.

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